Meet Bazel, who was 15 in 2023, who came from the Albuquerque Animal Welfare dept.
He entered the shelter in early November 2022, as a stray in rough shape. He was originally adopted from the shelter in 2007 and his adopters were called but they did not reclaim him. Based on his appearance (disheveled fur and fractured teeth) it seemed he had been outside a long time. Julie Buckland, with the shelter, reached out to us but we just couldn’t take him at the time.
Luckily, Louise, a shelter foster, stepped up and took Bazel home. She nursed him back to health and took care of him after his dental where he lost most of his teeth.
Today he is doing great and I know it was hard for Louise to give him up, but her resident cat wasn’t that excited about the new roommate.
Thank you Julie Buckland, the Albuquerque Animal Welfare Dept, and Louise for taking such good care of Bazel until we could accept him into June’s Senior Cat Rescue. Sometimes it takes a village.
Bazel is hyperthyroid. This causes him to be very thin and have an increased appetite. He takes daily medicine for hyperthyroidism, and frequent blood work to be sure his thyroid level is correct. A sponsor for Bazel would help pay for his medication and bloodwork.
To sponsor Bazel or a cat like Bazel, click on the donate button.